Thursday, June 11, 2009

English Final Vocab Review

The english final has many questions about vocabulary.  This encompasses units 7 to 15, however because unit 10 and unit 15 were creative vocab projects, I do not have a typed up list.  I may add this eventually however.  

Vocabulary - Unit 7

Allay (v.) – rest

Bestial (adj.) – beast

Convivial (adj.) – lively

Coterie (n.) – clique

Counterpart (n.) – partner

Demur (v.) – opposing

Effrontery (n.) – have the nerve

Embellish (v.) – decorate

Ephemeral (adj.) – temporary

Felicitous (adj.) – well suited

Furtive (adj.) – stealthy

Garish (adj.) – flashy

Illusory (adj.) – illusion

Indigent (adj.) – poor

Inordinate (adj.) – unreasonable

Jettison (v.) – toss overboard

Misanthrope (n.) – House

Pertinacious (adj.) – stubborn

Picayune (adj.) – small, trivial

Raiment (n.) – clothing

Vocab unit 8

Allege (v.) – declare with absence of proof

Arrant (adj.) – complete, unmitigated, downright

Badinage (n.) –banter

Conciliate (v.) –overcome with pleasant behavior to gain something

Countermand (v.) – to cancel (n.) – an order that cancels another

Echelon (n.) – row echelon

Exacerbate (v.) – increase

Fatuous (adj.) – smugly foolish

Irrefutable (adj.) – impossible to refute

Juggernaut (n.) – unstoppable

Lackadaisical (adj.) – lacking energy or enthusiasm

Litany (n.) – formal prayer

Macabre (adj.) – about death

Paucity (n.) – smallness in amount

Portend (v.) – sign or warning

Raze (v.) – knock down or destroy

Recant (v.) – withdrawal from commitment

Saturate (v.) – soak

Saturnine (adj.) – gloomy

Slough (n.) – slough, marshy

Vocab Unit 9

Acclamation (n.) – enthusiastic applause, loud expression of approval

Bucolic (adj.) – of or suggesting a quiet, pleasant rural life

Calumniate (v.) – to make harmful and false statements, slander

Chary (adj.) – wary or mindful, cautious

Collusion (n.) – a secret agreement undertaken for illicit or fraudulent purposes, cahoots

Dilettante (n.) – one who pursues an activity or interest in a superficial or frivolous way, dabber

Imperturbable (adj.) – not easily excited, calm

Increment (n.) – rise or addition in numbers or values, increased or added

Mandate (n.) – a directive given or implied by the vote of an electorate

Paltry (adj.) – small trifling or worthless

Paroxysm (n.) – a sudden uncontrollable outburst or sudden spasm

Pedantry (n.) – the act or practice of flaunting ones learnedness, cocky act

Peregrination (v.) – to wander or travel form place to place on foot

Redolent (adj.) – permeated by or giving off a strong pleasant odor or aroma

Refulgent (adj.) – shining brilliantly, radiant

Shibboleth (n.) – a slogan, phrase or belief that characterizes or is held devotedly by a group

Tyro  (n.) – one who is beginning to learn a trade, novice, neophyte

Unremitting (adj.) – not stopping or lessening, persistent, unceasing

Vacillate (v.) – to sway back and forth in a decision, indecisive, oscillate

Vituperate (v.) – to condemn sharply, blame, berate

Vocab Unit 11

Abrogate (v. ) - to abolish, repeal, or nullify by authority.

Ambient (adj.) – surrounding, flowing around

Asperity (n.) - harshness or roughness, esp. of tone or manner.

Burnish (v.) - to polish or make shiny by rubbing with a cloth or the like.

Cabal (n.) - a small group of people engaged in a secret plot, usu. of a political nature.

Delectable (adj.) - extremely pleasing to the taste; delicious.

Deprecate (v.) - to disparage or treat as having small value; depreciate.

Detritus (n.) - a mass of small rocks or particles broken up by geological or climatic forces.

Ebullient (adj.) - given to speaking or behaving in an enthusiastic or spirited manner.

Eclectic (adj.) - composed or created by selecting the best from various styles, disciplines, systems, or the like.

Flaccid (adj.) – without firmness, soft, flabby

Impecunious (adj.) - lacking funds; penniless.

Inexorable (adj.) - not subject to change by any force or influence; unyielding or unrelenting.

Moribund (adj.) - near death or extinction; dying, stagnant

Necromancer (n.) – one who practices the art or practice of communicating with the dead in order to divine the future.

Onerous (adj.) -unwanted, unpleasant, and burdensome.

Rife (adj.) – common or frequent, widespread, plentiful or abundant, full of

Rudiment (n.) - a basic element, idea, skill, or the like in a complex subject or activity.

Sequester (v.) – to remove into protection and isolation, seclude

Winnow (v.) - to blow, blow away, or scatter (chaff).

Unit 12 

Anesthetic (n.) – a drug that causes anesthesia in the whole body or localized area

Defunct (adj.) – no longer in existence or use, dead, extinct

Discomfit (v.) – to upset or confuse, thwart or frustrate

Espouse (v.) – to take up or commit oneself to, to take in marriage

Fetish (n.) – an object believed to be inhabited by a spirit or to have magical powers; an object, idea, or behavior or the like to which a person devotes excessive attention or belief

Gregarious (adj.) – fond of socializing, tending to gather in groups

Hapless (adj.) – not favored by chance, unlucky, unfortunate

Impeccable (adj.) – flawless or blameless, perfect

Importune (v.) – to pester with insistent demands or requests

Interpolate (v.) – to insert between things or parts

Irreparable (adj.) – impossible to repair, restore or rectify

Laconic (adj.) – using very few words, succinct, terse

Languish (v.) – to lose strength or energy, weaken; to yearn or long for someone

Mendacious (adj.) – untruthful, untrue

Nadir (n.) – the lowest or most depressing point or stage

Omnipresent (adj.) – existing in all places at any given time

Perfunctory (adj.) – done quickly as a matter of routine, performed without care

Plaintive (adj.) – showing or expressing sadness or sorrow

Requite (v.) – to return in kind, give or feel in return, to retaliate for, or pay back

Tantamount (adj.) – equal to or the same as, equivalent 

Unit 13

Abstruse (adj.) – difficult to comprehend or understand, esoteric, arcane

Affront (n.) – an openly insulting deed or remark / (v.) – to insult openly

Canard (n.) – a deliberately false story or rumor, usually defamatory to someone

Captious (adj.) – inclined to petty criticism, faultfinding; intended or designed to deceive or confuse

Cognizant (adj.) – aware, informed

Contrite (adj.) – feeling deep guilt for one’s wrongdoing or shortcoming, and desiring to make amends for it, remorseful, repentant

Cynosure (n.) – something that attracts the attention

Decorous (adj.) – not offensive in behavior, manners, appearance or the like, proper, well-behaved

Deign (v.) – to consider some act to be appropriate or in keeping with ones dignity

Desiccate (v.) – to lose all moisture, become dried up

Efficacy (n.) – the ability to produce desired results, effectiveness

Engender (v.) – to create or give rise to, to produce

Ethereal (adj.) – extremely light, airy and delicate, insubstantial, highly refined, unworldly

Façade (n.) – the front of a building, outward appearance

Ghoulish (adj.) – appearing or acting like an evil demon, someone who steals corpses from their graves

Incongruous (adj.) – not suitable or fitting, out of place, not blending together, not consistent

Machination (n.) – scheming or plotting especially for a devious purpose

Mesmerize (v.) – to induce a hypnotic trance in, to hold the attention or compel the obedience of

Opprobrium (n.) – a condition of disgrace or shame, ignominy, scorn, disdain, contempt

Putative (adj.) – widely thought to be such, reputed, supposed

Unit 14

Beatific (adj.) – characterized by or exhibiting great contentment, peace or joy, blessed

Behemoth (n.) – any enormous or powerful creature or thing

Blandishment (n.) – flattering or coaxing remarks to stratagems intended to persuade

Cacophonous (adj.) – having an unpleasant sound

Chicanery (n.) – deception by clever or cunning means

Consign (v.) – to deliver, transfer or turn over to another, entrust.

Coup (n.) –a brilliant and successful action or maneuver, the sudden and forceful attempt of a group to seize power

Euphemism (n.) – the substitution of a milder, vaguer or pleasanter word or expression for one considered to be offensive

Febrile (adj.) – of concerning or marked by fever

Gainsay (v.) – to deny or contradict, oppose

Imminent (adj.) – about to happen or likely to happen soon

Innate (adj.) – belonging to or existing in someone or some organism from the time of birth

Loath (adj.) – extremely reluctant, unwilling

Manifest (adj.) – clear and unmistakable to the eye or mind, obvious / (v.) – to show plainly, demonstrate / (n.) – a list of cargo or passengers on a ship or airplane

Minutia (n.) – a small or unimportant detail, trivial

Moratorium (n.) – a legal right or authorization to delay the performance of some obligation, a temporary ban on or suspension of some activity considered to be bad or unhealthy

Nostrum (n.) – a medicine with undisclosed ingredients, a favorite but unproven scheme or theory, offered as a remedy

Pariah (n.) – a despised or socially outcast person

Visionary (adj.) – characterized by whimsical notions or impractical plans, imaginary, idealistic or utopian

Wizened (adj.) – shriveled or dried up

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